Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Imagery for Google Earth - May 2008

[UPDATED 14-May 1510 ET - official details on the imagery updated added below.]

Google has released new imagery today for Google Earth. As usual, they are not revealing the locations yet - instead we get some hints of locations in the form of some riddles. I've been busy with attending the Where 2.0 conference, and haven't had time yet to check out the imagery myself.

Here's the answers to some of the riddles (thanks to help from some comments below): 1) Los Angeles, 2) Coronado Island near San Diego, 3) Houston, Tx, 4) Lisbon, Portugal, 5) Madrid, Spain; 6) Milan, Italy, 7) Melbourne, Australia, 8) Miami, Florida, 9) Isle of Man

Thanks to GEB readers for find a lot of the new imagery, but here are the official details from Google's LatLong blog:

New high resolution:

Significant amount of new satellite imagery in Ecuador, Peru, Senegal, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Iran, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and The Philippines. Additionally, new 2.5m imagery for part of Western Australia

Updated Imagery:
- USA: LA, San Diego, Houston, Miami, Chicago and Milwaukee area suburbs, New York City area suburbs, much of coastal New Jersey, and Harney County (Oregon).

Europe, Middle East & Africa:

- England: Isle of Man, Suffolk

- Spain:
- Portugal: Lisbon, Guimaraes, Porto, Sevilla, Coimbra, Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca
- Italy: Milan
- France: Toulon, Montbeliard
- The Netherlands: Assen

Asia & Oceania:

- Armenia: Yerevan
- Australia: Melbourne, Darwin

Updated Terrain:
- Westport, Ireland
- Hawaii
- Puerto Rico