Saturday, February 13, 2010

Google Tutor

Google Tutor

How-to turn off Google Buzz

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 06:09 AM PST

turn google buzz off

Is Google Buzz too much chatter for your liking?

A lot of people with crowded Gmail inboxes are not too excited about the added posts on Google Buzz, and would rather part with this feature altogether.

Google Buzz, although automatically added to your account, is not a mandatory side effect of loving Gmail. You can turn off this service in just three easy steps:

Three steps to turning off Google Buzz:

  1. Sign into your Gmail account.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and look for the link turn off buzz in the footer.
  3. Click on the link. The Gmail inbox page will reload without Buzz.

the footer gmail link to turn off google buzz

Want Google Buzz back?

Not to worry, after it has been shut off you can easily turn it back on again by clicking the new “turn on Buzz” link in the footer.

What do you think about Google Buzz? Are you enjoying the inbox interaction or were you wondering how to turn it off as well?

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